Hobby Project: Creating a Blockchain-Powered Video Game

Article was originally shared at Winzeland Blog

If you’re a crypto enthusiast, then you know that the potential for blockchain-powered video games is huge. I’m excited to start my new hobby project and create a game that would be powered entirely by NFTs.

I will be naming this game a Winzeland (winze — Scottish slang for curse).

Winzeland will be a mostly RPG-style game where you will be able to control your characters, gather resources, and expand your lands. And there comes NFTs — we will have 3 types of them:

  • Characters — citizens of the Winzeland, the player will have to own at least one character so he could be assigned to the various jobs such as gathering resources, crafting weapons, or slaying monsters.
  • Lands — players can own a piece of the Winzeland continent. Each land piece will offer fortunes and hardships for its owner.
  • Resources — to be able to survive in Winzeland players will have to gather wood, stone, water, craft potions, weapons, and even build forts. Resources are everything you could pick up and maybe even trade to other players.

As blockchain technology has some limitations for gaming, Winzeland is an RPG game, but will also work as idle-style game where the player does not need to be physically in the game all the time. It will be enough for players to connect to the game from time to time, give tasks to their characters, collect resources they crafted and go back to doing their own stuff.

Of course, there will be a lot of activity in the game for players who want to invest some time there too — slay monsters, build bases, make alliances, and trade with other players to conquer the entire of Winzeland.

If this project sounds interesting to you and you want to follow our progress or maybe even help out — join our discord!

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